Shopping Centre Development
The developer of the apartments at Aspendale Gardens Shopping Centre has applied to increase the number of apartments from 23 to 85, with reduced parking.
On Thursday 12 May, Aspendale Gardens Residents Association (AGRA) ran a community meeting which attracted around 200 residents. The vast majority of those attendees voted by show of hands to ask Aspendale Gardens Residents Association to oppose the development.
However, to help prevent the development gaining the green light, the presenters at the community meeting stressed the need for residents to raise their own objection to the development. The more objections that are submitted, the stronger the community objection. AGRA is recommending each and every resident submits their own objection outlining the reasons they object to the development. Presenters stressed that objections must be based on planning principals, not on emotion.
Please also note that the following issues cannot be taken into consideration by Council:
- Loss of Property Value;
- Commercial Competition;
- Type of residents that will occupy new dwellings (Tenants vs. Owner/Occupier);
- Too many units in the area;
- Increased pollution from vehicles
If you feel your are affected by the proposal, you are welcome to submit an objection to the Planning Application. Likewise, if you are in favour of the application, Council will also accept letters of support in relation to Planning Applications.
The stage one permit for 23 Apartments was issued on 31 December 2013 (KP-519/2012)
Documents relating to that permit and the planned amendment are as follows:
The original application for a planning permit (KP-519/2012) 28 November 2012
Notice of application to amend the permit KP−519/2012/A
Council letter to the developer dated 10 July 2015
Council letter to the developer dated 1 February 2016
You can also visit the City Development department of City of Kingston at Level 1, 1230 Nepean Highway, Cheltenham between the hours of 8:30am and 5:30pm where plans will be available for public view during the time period stated on the notice of application. If you have any questions or queries in relation to any proposed development, the planning officer on duty will be able to assist.
Issues raised with the developer by the City of Kingston include:
- The reduction in car parking
- The overhang of the building over common property
- Lack of direct daylight in some bedrooms
- Use of outdated traffic reports
- Access of waste trucks to waste bins
- Impact on existing commercial areas
- Traffic issues including small car parking spaces and potential issues around entry and egress from parking spaces
- Intensity of the development given the lack of good public transport
Issues raised by the residents who attended the meeting included:
- Bulk and scale of the development and lack of fit with the surrounding environment
- How services such as water, gas, electricity and internet cope with the increased demand
- Reduced car parking, size of car parks, use of car stackers to accommodate cars
- Safety with increased traffic
- Safety for residents of the building at night
- Safety with cars exiting a ramp with limited visibility onto a road already congested at peak periods
- Increased traffic caused by residents
- Lack of available car parks by residents parking in shopping centre spaces
- Impact of construction on access to stores and potential closure of stores caused by construction
- Impact on local wildlife caused by scale and mass of the building
Additional forms are also available at the Aspendale Gardens Community Centre and Bendigo Bank Aspendale Gardens.
You can use the points above or add any of your own points. Remember your objections must be based on planning issues and not emotional issues.
Once you have completed your Objections / Letters of Support, they can be submitted via:
- Mail: PO Box 1000, Mentone, 3195 (not recommended due to the short timeframe to submit)
- Email:
- In Person: Level 1, 1230 Nepean Highway, Cheltenham.
You can also submit online by clicking this link (go to the bottom of the page)
Alternatively you can drop your Objection or Letter of Support to either Aspendale Gardens Community Centre and Bendigo Bank Aspendale Gardens by 12pm Thursday 19 May and a member of the AGRA team will deliver the letter in person to council.
All Objections / Letters of Support must be lodged at Council by 5.30pm Thursday 19 May 2016.
Kristy Marshall, Branch Manager, Bendigo Bank Aspendale Gardens has offered her time to assist residents in completing the objection form.
Any questions can be directed to the AGRA President Tony Firman at